
Jessie Cole is a Certified Reiki Master, Certified Yoga Instructor, and Certified Guided Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher operating in Northeastern Indiana and online.

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  In 2004 Jessi began her career as a Chemist and it quickly became clear to her that there was some stress associated with the job. Her coworker got a yoga DVD as a gift and she started practicing yoga every morning before work.  Soon she realized that her stress levels were down, she was not as reactive in emotionally charged situations, & she was no longer struggling with seasonal depression.  It made her realize that her heart’s desire was to teach yoga so they could enjoy the benefits and greater quality of life that she had found.

Her yoga practice naturally lead to meditation practice.  She has found that being in the present moment brings greater joy, patience & contentment.

In 2010, a friend gifted Jessi a reiki session and insisted she use it within the week. The Reiki session was a life-changing event. The following day, she felt as if 10 lbs of emotional baggage had fallen away.  There was a sense of calm and acceptance of her life that she had not encountered before. That event inspired her to read about the subject while she continued to get reiki treatments periodically over the next few years.

In 2014 the reiki practitioner that she went to had decided that she was ready to give attunements to people, which is the process that enables you to become a Reiki Practitioner.  Within a short time, Jessie had all 3 attunements that allowed her to be a reiki master.  She became a level 3 certified Reiki practitioner and has been practicing ever since. She loves to use her gift often and feels blessed to have the opportunity to enrich so many people’s lives.