
What would it be like if Reiki could help you release all that stress?

Imagine this:  you have been so stressed out for so long.  You have muscles in your shoulders that are knotted and painful because it is so hard for you to let go & relax.  In desperation, you schedule a Reiki session.  The Reiki master is caring and asks you where your discomforts are in your body.  You lay on the massage table and are coached to focus on your breathing.  Before you realize it, you had surrendered into a deep state of relaxation that you haven’t experienced in a long time.  You feel the tension drain out of your body & your cares fade away.  You can’t remember the last time you were so relaxed.

Reiki 1 Certification


Are you interested in healing yourself and others with Reiki?  This on-line training course is exactly what you need! In this on-line Reiki 1 training, you will have some incredible resources available to you.  In this course you will receive:
  • 12 Videos of an experienced Reiki master teaching you how to become comfortable using reiki
  • Quizzes over each video to assist you in retaining the information
  • Resources that you can access to help you be the best reiki practitioner available
  • How to prepare for the Reiki 1 Attunement
  • The first Reiki symbol
  • A distance attunement with a skilled Reiki Master

What is Reiki, anyway? 

Energy flows through the physical body and strengthens the body.  When the flow is disrupted, due to physical or emotional trauma, it causes a diminished function to one or more parts of the body. Symptoms vary, but some of the common symptoms may be decreased energy levels, lack of mental clarity, emotional distress and physical pain or illness.  Reiki is a nonphysical and invisible universal energy that vibrates at a level higher than personal energy.  It travels through energy centers of the body called chakras.  Reiki does not work like physical medicines. It is administered by just simple laying on hands and can be used alone and also alongside regular medical treatment whatever that might be. One does not need to know the cause of illness. Reiki automatically redresses the cause, supplements, and speeds up the healing process. It is fully positive energy and does not cause any type of harm to the recipient of the healer. The Reiki practitioner can ensure the energy is moving through the body properly to promote wellness and allow the body to heal itself.   It is compatible with all beliefs & can cause relaxing and healing.  

Benefits of Reiki:

  • Increased Mental Clarity
  • Increase in Energy Levels
  • Personal Ability to Grow
  • A Sense of Calm and Balance
  • Emotional Healing & Stability
  • Can Provide Relief from Chronic Pain
  • Strengthens the Immune System
  • Clearing and Balancing of Chakras
  • Aligns with Any Current Medical Treatment
  • Cleanses Suppressed or Blocked Emotions & Feelings
  • Reduces Stress, Tension, Anxiety & Emotional Distress

What to Expect in a Reiki Session

Before the session, we will talk about any sensations that you have been feeling in the body, such as chronic stomach issues.  We will discuss what areas we would like to work on during the session if there are any in particular.  Then you will have some time to get comfortable on the massage table.  I will start by placing my hands on the head and will work down the front of the body, ending at the feet.  Then you will turn over and the back will be done as well. A typical session will last 45 minutes.

Reiki Healing Session


Reiki interacts with the subtle energy body of an individual. As a Reiki Master, I tap into this Chi and direct it into your body (both the energy body and the physical body) through direct or indirect touch. You will be able to feel this transmission of energy as my hands grow increasingly hotter throughout the session, in which you will feel sensations where the healing is taking place. The energy works through your body, in tandem with your own Chi, along the paths of least resistance, your nervous system, until blockages are identified. Just as in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) illness is believed within a Reiki sense, to be caused by energy blockages within the body.

I was amazed….

“My first ever Reiki chakra cleansing took place on August 22nd, 2018. Here are the results. During the session a flood of what I would describe as embedded emotions resulted in reactions of verbal conversation, analysis of past events, crying – both positive and negative ‘ but most importantly it was real. I could not believe the body mind and emotional response when the root chakra was worked by Jessi. This root chakra was the last of the seven chakras worked and it was so intense, so surprising, so real. Waterfalls of energy flowed our of me and I was amazed. To me “embedded emotional pain” can definitely be identified and greatly helped with reiki done by a skilled practitioner like Jessi. Regular periodic reiki will be part of my overall health’s future.”

-Gary B.

I felt calm and lighter…. 

“Before me reiki session I felt heavy and foggy. During the session I could feel myself lighten, I felt things breaking up inside of me. I started to feel myself open up. After I felt calm and lighter.”

 -Tessa A.

I recommend everyone to experience reiki….

This was my 3rd reiki session and I felt completely different, like a new energy signature compared to my 1st two sessions – I sensed a “conveyor” belt feeling around my body as I was syncing my breath with my body. I was visualizing the flow of energy into my fingers and toes – up my spine, into my head, then down through my navel. I felt energized, more free, more open/receptive to what my body was trying to tell me. I recommend everyone to experience reiki at least once!” 

-Ryan S.

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