
What is the Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique that helps us to identify and release trapped emotions. Trapped emotions are any unconscious emotional energies which exist as a result of intense or traumatic emotional events that have not been fully processed and released from the body or mind. The process starts with muscle testing your body so that your subconscious can identify which trapped emotions you have. When practicing the Emotion Code, magnets are used to release trapped emotional energies. Since the body is made of energy, it makes sense to say that emotions are also made of energy — energy we believe can be attracted by and removed from the body with a magnet.  

Private: Emotion Code Session


The Emotion Code is a powerful method of finding and releasing trapped negative emotions that have been stored in the body through our subconscious minds’ desire to protect us from further suffering. This is how energy healing works to potentially improve physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, & life-related ailments.

When you get stuck in sadness or find yourself feeling anxious often, there is a good chance that there is a trapped emotion that causes you to feel this way.  The energy of negative emotions is lower & slower energy than positive emotions.  The emotion code can release the trapped emotion so you have higher energy more often.

Private: 4 Emotion Code Sessions


When you are working with an Emotion Code practitioner, there can be several years’ worth of trapped emotions that need to be released.  This can take several sessions because there are only 5 to 10 trapped emotions that can be released at one time.

Purchasing a bundle of 4 sessions can save you time and ensure that you are able to release many more trapped emotions that can be affecting your emotional or physical wellbeing.

How can magnets help? 

Magnets are used to release Trapped Emotions that could be contributing to ailments. These are just one of many healing energy tools used in this work. Magnets may also increase blood flow, improve flexibility, build muscle strength, and relax and lengthen the body’s muscles and soft tissues. Magnetic healing is typically implemented after identifying Trapped Emotions, when a practitioner passes a magnet over the Governing Meridian on the patient’s body three times. When combined with the balancing intentions of the practitioner, this increases magnetic energy movement in the body and can help to release and transform the trapped emotional energy. Because the body functions on principles of biomagnetic energy, muscle testing can be used as a means of connecting with the subconscious mind to identify the energies and emotions that may govern afflictions in the body, mind, and spirit. 

How does muscle testing work?

    Practitioners initiate muscle testing by asking a definitive question and then gauging the positive and negative muscle response. It’s believed that a strong muscle response indicates a “yes” or positive answer, while the weak muscle response indicates a “no” answer. By querying the nervous system in this way, energetic imbalances can be found and eliminated quite efficiently.


    What to Expect in an Emotion Code Session

    Before the session, we will talk about your goals for the session.  We can set an intention for the session.  The practitioner will get your e-mail address so you can have the results of the session.  The practitioner will connect with your higher self and perform the emotion code session.  When the session is completed, the practitioner will send you the results of the session.  You can then talk to the Emotion Code practitioner to discuss the session and have any questions answered.

    My anxiety is a lot better….

    “I guess I have not had any panic attacks lately.  I have not had anxiety nearly as bad as I used to.  It sounds like you used the force when you worked on me.”

    -Zayden F.

    I felt more confident and hopeful…. 

    “For a long time I felt like life never changed.  Like I was stuck in the same situation.  I finally feel like things can change.”

     -Eric C.

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